Why is PAL an important institution?

Chief William Baldwin City of Torrington Police Department

The Torrington PAL program is a significant outreach opportunity which provides an interaction between the Torrington area youth and members of the Torrington Police Department. The PAL program offers a way to bridge gaps between law enforcement and the youth which will be a positive benefit for our city by being a valuable resource for our local youth. As the police chief I am very much committed to this program as I believe that our youth are a significant asset to all of us. It is through the PAL program and our partnerships with the business and residential Torrington community, that our department will be able to reach out and interact with the Torrington area youth, as well as those adults that support them, to build positive relationships. It is through the hard efforts and  hard work of the Torrington PAL Board of Directors and our partnership that makes this program the success that it is and will continue to be.

Our Programs

We offer a wide variety of programs ranging from art & music to culinary, to sports. We encourage you to learn more!

Have Questions?

We’re happy to answer your questions! Please feel free to reach out whenever you have a question.

Our Mission at Torrington PAL

The Torrington Police Activities League promotes character development and self esteem while building positive relationships among children, our police officers, and the community. Our Program works in partnership with the Torrington Police Department providing children with alternatives to crime, violence and substance abuse.